Social fund
The "Kazakhstan without drugs" fund has been established on July 19-th of 2005 with the blessing of his Holyness Mefodiy Mitropolit of Astana and Alma-Ata. Nowadays the fund is working with the blessing of the Head of the Mitropolit District of Kazakhstan directing its efforts towards the helping of the suffering people, with no regard for their religious, national, or sexual status and age.
The fundamental basis of the fund's activity is the Holy Writings, the Orthodox religion and the works of holy fathers. The spiritual basis of the fund is the: MERCY, COMPASSION AND LOVE.
The funds activity has a priority activity of prophylactics and saviour from such addictions as: drug addiction, alcoholism, gambling, toxicomany, smoking, consecuences of destructive sects and occultists influence.
The funds activity has a priority activity of prophylactics and saviour from such addictions as: drug addiction, alcoholism, gambling, toxicomany, smoking, consecuences of destructive sects and occultists influence.
The fund cooperates with social and religious organizations that are treating similar problems.
The fund is establishing a rehabilitation center in honor of the icon of Holy Mother "Inexhaustible Chalice".